In Santa Cruz county (California), each place=* tag has been carefully compared to local knowledge and a wonderful reference (book) I have called "Santa Cruz County Place Names: A Geographical Dictionary" by author Donald Thomas Clark, published by the Santa Cruz Historical Trust. At over 500 pages, it is a wonderful reference, and is rather clear on whether something is completely historical or accurate "currently" (the book is a bit dated, being published in 1986, but I have the 2nd edition from 2008). The author was the first librarian at UC Santa Cruz and wrote a similar tome for Monterey County (also excellent).

Maybe you have or maybe you don't have such a similar (excellent) resource for your community. I wish everybody did. But you either DO have or CAN GET local knowledge (everywhere on Earth FOR everywhere on Earth) that can yield reliable, human sourced data for OSM to use.

And maybe these data are or maybe these data are not "on the ground verifiable," in which case I leave it up to you whether they should or should not be in OSM. If a lonely crossroads gas station with a friendly owner says "Yep, it's called Orchard Crossroads around here..." that's good enough for me to put a hamlet into OSM -- I don't need a sign to tell me, the man who knows it to be true just did.

Retagging hamlets isn't something that can or should be mechanized by a bot. It is going to take real effort, meaning local knowledge crafted by human beings. Hm, this sounds like a good basis upon which to recruit more volunteers for our project....


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