On 4/2/15 4:27 PM, Paul Norman wrote:
> On 3/29/2015 5:00 AM, Mark Bradley wrote:
>> Can I export these ways from OSM and then import them into OHM?
> The main technical problem with moving data from one OSM API to
> another (e.g. OSM to OHM, OSM to dev server, OSM to OpenGeoFiction) is
> making sure to get rid of the OSM IDs, as the other APIs will need to
> generate their own.
> There are clever ways to do this, but one simple way is to put what
> you want to move on its own layer in JOSM, convert the layer to GPX,
> and convert it from GPX back to OSM. This leaves you with a completely
> new way with an identical geometry. You can then copy the tags over.
> This works best with a small number of long complex ways.
note that when you bring data into OHM, it is good form to provide
start_date and
end_date tags to along with it.

railways are not marked abandoned in OHM, rather they have temporal data
about when they existed.


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