Not sure it is necessary to suggest all nonhackers and non humanitarians on
this list are couch potatoes to further the argument.

Osm is a place where imports happen, we have rules to stick to, we want to
have educated discussions about those rules.

I am tired of import bashing as an unproductive tangent on almost all
import related discussions.

On Friday, April 3, 2015, Frederik Ramm <> wrote:

> Hi,
> On 04/03/2015 02:41 AM, stevea wrote:
> > Erring on the side of "high ground" safety might be
> > a good place to plant an initial flag, but if it's location is wrong and
> > we need to move it to a more accurate place, we must do so.
> Frankly - no. OSM does not depend on the inclusion of third party data
> sources for its quality. Taking a "high ground safety" approach with
> regards to third-party rights in data might cut us off from some third
> party data sources but then re-publishing these third party sources in
> OSM clothes doesn't do us much good anyway.
> If an individual is desperate to use a third party data source, let them
> do the due diligence on the legality of the source, but it certainly
> isn't "us" who must move our flag to make it (even) easier to swamp us
> with (often low quality) third-party data.
> > It sounds like it is getting a bit shrill.  I'll say it again:  I wish
> > light, not heat.
> I would be absolutely thrilled if more people, especially more
> Americans, would stop thinking about what data they could take and add
> to OSM, and instead grab a GPS, or their car, or their boots, or
> bicycle, or mobile phone, or all of that, and simply map stuff.
> It seems to me that in the USA, what people think about OSM is one of
> these two:
> (a) A project for hackers and couch potatoes who trawl their county web
> pages and other sources to look for stuff they could "upload" to OSM
> (because it's such a big country and nobody could possibly, yadda yadda
> yadda)
> (b) A project for people who roll up their sleeves, travel to places of
> humanitarian crises, and help those in need by creating maps where the
> government hasn't done their job well.
> The idea that you could also roll up your sleeves and map your own
> backyeard, village, town, or city quarter, instead of copying from
> official bicycle route publications, official railway brochures, or
> stuff that the administration has done, seems to occur to very few
> people, and others will say: "OpenStreetMap is cool, but I don't think
> that actually going out and doing a survey is a good use of my time".
> I'm really sad that time and time again we have to fight about whether
> or not a specific source is permitted to be used in OSM, when we could
> just collect the facts ourselves and therefore be completely free of any
> legal implications (and also free of errors that others may have made).
> Bye
> Frederik
> --
> Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail <javascript:;>  ##
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