On 4/3/2015 11:19 AM, Martijn van Exel wrote:
Perhaps we, as the U.S. chapter, play a role in creating or sustaining these false assumptions?

Yes. To substantiate this, I looked at communications from the US chapter

I looked through the current board term and the previous board term.

In the current board term I counted 15 blog posts. The breakdown of these is

7 conference
3 indoor computer-based events
2 non-OSM geo-related projects
2 chapter administrative

Last year, it is similar, except the conference itself was within the time collected
21 conference
10 indoor computer-based events
4 chapter administrative

The conference blog posts tend to be primarily around the time of SOTM US. Several blog posts had a theme of government data.

Twitter is primarily tweets of blog posts, but has a similar breakdown. Looking at the photos on Twitter, they are

7 indoor computer-based events
3 conference-related

Based on this, I would have to conclude that the US chapter is supporting the view that OpenStreetMap in the US does not include people doing surveys in their local area, but is primarily conferences, government data, remote mapping, and HOT.

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