> On Apr 4, 2015, at 1:36 PM, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:
> Indeed. I don't have much exposure to US Americans outside of OSM but in
> the few interactions like that I had, if people did have any conception
> about OSM it usually fell into one of the two categories I mentioned -
> either "OSM the hacker project to re-purpose government data" or "OSM
> the humanitarian project”.
I wonder if there might be a sampling bias going on. Going out an gathering 
data in the field and then entering it is relatively straight forward and 
non-controversial. So people doing that often don’t join or follow the mailing 
lists. You are much more likely to run in to them at 
https://help.openstreetmap.org or http://forum.openstreetmap.org than on this 
or any other list.

If you get to a situation where it seems to you that an import might be a good 
idea then you join a mailing list and discuss the idea. First with the mappers 
in your country (talk-us in this case) and then if it still seems like a good 
idea with the imports people.

But if all you ever do is “traditional” OSM field mapping you are seldom seen 
or heard of. So the lists will be biased toward discussion of things like 
importing data.

Might be interesting to see a breakdown of current map objects in the US to see 
how many last had manual edits or corrections versus how many are imports.


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