I have an implementation of a program to import all worldwide 
Tesla Superchargers into OSM. The source of the data is supercharge.info 
(permission granted, see attachment). I previously used teslamotors.com as my 
datasource, but I received no reply for my requests for permission, and it 
seems less complete than supercharge.info.

supercharge.info publishes both existing superchargers, those that have a 
permit, and those under construction. This import only targets those that 
presently exist.

My software is capable of recurring up-to-datenings based on geographic 
locations of things named "Supercharger". I previously used a tag named 
"tesla:ref", but this is no longer the case, it now searches the map with 
Overpass for nearby things named "Supercharger".

Right now, if a tag doesn't match with supercharge.info, I overwrite OSM's.

Many tesla superchargers are already in OSM: 

This is what the imported node looks like when there's nothing in OSM already:

        <node version='1' id='-236' lat='36.25415' lon='-120.237896'>
                <tag k='name' v='Tesla Supercharger Harris Ranch' />
                <tag k='addr:postcode' v='93210' />
                <tag k='addr:city' v='Coalinga' />
                <tag k='amenity' v='charging_station' />
                <tag k='operator' v='Tesla Motors Inc.' />
                <tag k='capacity' v='6' />
                <tag k='socket:tesla_supercharger' v='6' />
                <tag k='opening_hours' v='24/7' />

This is what the imported node looks like when merged with a present node:

        <node version='6' id='-236' lat='37.02493' lon='-121.56542'>
                <tag k='website' 
v='http://www.teslamotors.com/supercharger/Gilroy' />
                <tag k='operator' v='Tesla Motors Inc.' />
                <tag k='tesla:ref' v='gilroysupercharger' />
                <tag k='opening_hours' v='24/7' />
                <tag k='name' v='Tesla Supercharger Gilroy' />
                <tag k='car' v='yes' /> 
                <tag k='bicycle' v='no' />
                <tag k='amenity' v='charging_station' />
                <tag k='capacity' v='10' />
                <tag k='addr:state' v='CA' />
                <tag k='addr:postcode' v='95020' />
                <tag k='addr:housenumber' v='681' />
                <tag k='addr:city' v='Gilroy' />
                <tag k='socket:tesla_supercharger' v='10' />
                <tag k='addr:street' v='Leavesley Road' />
                <tag k='access' v='customers' />

Here is the result of running the program:

Here is the source code:

Should I fail to maintain it:
        - The data will continue to be relevant. Superchargers tend to not move.
        - Another person can do the maintanence since the source is published 
        - It's still an improvement over what OSM has today, which is a 
of the superchargers that exist right now.
        - By the time I'm likely to stop maintaining, Tesla Motors may slow 
the rate they're installing new superchargers, so manual maintanence will be 
more viable.

When I do the import, I will create a unique account for it. Suggestions of 
names are welcome. My OSM username is njaard.

Would you like to see "source=supercharge.info"?

Thanks for your attention, I look forward to completing this project and 
making OSM just slightly more complete.

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--- Begin Message ---
Greetings Charles.

Sure, no problem.

I indeed have no objections to the to geodata derived in part from http://supercharge.info/service/supercharge/allSites being incorporated into the OpenStreetMap project geodata database and released under a free and open

It is ok to make public my statement to this affect.

Creator/Owner/Maintainer of superchare.info

On 04/09/2015 11:22 AM, Charles Samuels wrote:

I'm a contributor to OpenStreetMap, which is like Wikipedia, but for maps. I'm
trying to import the entire Supercharger database into OpenStreetMap. I'm
coming to you to ask if I can use the data from supercharge.info as, alas,
Tesla Motors isn't replying to my emails. I would read the content of your
site and regularly update OSM with changes you make to that file. You'd have to
do nothing other than give me permission.

At the most simple, I would seek a statement like this:

"supercharge.info has no objections to geodata derived in part from
http://supercharge.info/service/supercharge/allSites being incorporated into
the OpenStreetMap project geodata database and released under a free and open

I also ask that whatever statement you are prepared to make can be made public
for information purposes.



--- End Message ---
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