Wow Michael, that sure is an all-male US board you're suggesting. I hope
nobody heeds you our we have bigger problems than I thought.

The question of growth in the US is complex, as is the question of gender
and contributing to communities such as this. Communities, that is to say,
that have zero self-awareness about the problems in a message like this.
Who knows: maybe threads like this explain the edit history, too.

One thing that's certain is that there is no correlation between the work
of a competent board member and making edits. Things like leadership,
fundraising, organizing, project management, events, etc. are part of the
work of a board.

It's too bad we also require the ability to don a radiation suit to deal
with threads like this.

Dear US electorate,

Am Thu, 08 Oct 2015 20:16:50 -0700 schrieb Alex Barth:
> And - it's not to late to run for elections! Get your name up on the
> list by October 10th.

And this is my censorious analysis reviewing all candidates:

*Summary* I think that some candidates are suitable and some are not
suitable. It looks as the number of edits and the time since the first
map edit is proportional to the suitability of each candidate (with some

You, the US community, have got some very great candidates which have
recognized the bad situation the US community is in (see posting by
Martijn van Exel). These candidates have realized that the board has to
change its focus and focus on the community all over the country and not
the so-called "community" attending SotM US. A good map needs a large and
active community and not an annual conference which is present in the
media and tweets 1440 times per day.

Reading some of the manifestos, I threw my hands up in horror. Some
candidates have less experience – neither in editing nor in OSM-related
coding. I believe that following fictional conversation might have
"I want to join OSM." – "Well, you just have to run for OSM US board
elections. You'll get to know the US community after election and learn
mapping after election, too."

I myself wonder if these people just want to become a board member to
have a nice entry in their CV. If someone is really crazy about OSM, he/
she invests more time into OSM than just uploading 40 changesets.

This user diary entry is not neutral and shows my European-based opinion.
That's why editing/coding experience is a very important criteria from my
point of view. I don't pussyfoot aroung, I clearly write what's in my

Best regards

Michael aka Nakaner

PS I have already watched the first half of the virtual townhall.

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