Hi there, I would organize a local mapathon for a specific project
that people are interested. Lets map X that you care about.

On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 6:18 PM, Clifford Snow <cliff...@snowandsnow.us> wrote:
> Martijn's recent diary post "How can we double the number of active mappers
> in the US in a year?" has an interesting proposition, rather than one big
> annual Meetup, we hold smaller regional meetups. The problem is that the big
> meetup doesn't produce more mappers. I've attended three SOTM-US
> conferences. Common to the three I've attended is the small number of active
> mappers. I wonder what percentage of attendees are active mappers? My sense
> is that it is small. I don't doubt that a great number of attendees have
> made an edit or two. But most are either users of the data or supporters of
> OSM, not contributors. Certainly most don't go back home figure out how to
> build a OSM community.
> Before we can tackle mapper growth, let's collect data to help quantify the
> problem. Let's survey mappers to find out what got them here and why they
> stay. Further, let's attempt to contact mappers that have be absent to find
> out why. We should also reach out to Meetup organizers to find what works,
> what doesn't and what additional tools they need. For example, we have an
> active Meetup group in Seattle. But we need more help contacting new
> mappers. Currently the only why is to manually look for new mappers. We need
> better tools. When we conduct mapping parties, it would be nice to have
> handouts to give businesses.
> Some other crazy suggestions:
> Partner with incident response teams and create a tool to people to map
> their neighborhood. [2]
> Fund people to travel and give talks at events
> Reduce the cost of admission to SOTM-US. Substantially increase the number
> of scholarships and lower the bar to getting a scholarship.
> Martijn has given us an excellent goal. I hope the Board decides to adopt
> this is one of its priorities.
> We have a chance to influence future of the US Chapter by voting for
> candidates that will focus on increasing the number of active mappers in the
> US. Remember, we are voting for a position of leadership, not who is the
> best mapper. Please ignore the silly suggestions coming from across the pond
> and vote for the best people to Lead OSM in the US.
> [1] http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/mvexel/diary/36087
> [2]
> http://mil.wa.gov/emergency-management-division/preparedness/map-your-neighborhood
> --
> @osm_seattle
> osm_seattle.snowandsnow.us
> OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
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