Hey Eleanor,

Thanks for sharing your ideas.

> On Oct 18, 2015, at 12:32 PM, Eleanor Tutt <eleanor.t...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Very cool & good pointers! 
> Am I correct that you set the location on Meetup in the morning and then you 
> meet in the afternoon? (i.e., quick & "flash mob"-y?) That sounds like a lot 
> of fun as it wouldn't take a lot of pre-planning or worrying about 
> expectations.

Until now I have picked the location a few days - a week in advance. Day-of 
would be interesting too, especially in combination with your idea below:
> It might be worth promoting the *idea* of the flash map mob as a permanent 
> Meetup event - you could probably make it sticky so it always shows up on the 
> front of the page, but without a set date attached (does Meetup allow that?) 
> That could help with awareness/excitement I think. 

I think that is a great idea and I am going to try it right away.
> Long-term, the "generic" meetup might even have a way to text to opt in to 
> "flash map mob" notifications - I know I have opted into several text 
> notification services from local organizing groups and I definitely notice 
> those announcements more than I would notice a Meetup for day-of 
> announcements. I'd be sad if I missed the flash map mob b/c I wasn't checking 
> Meetup and/or email! YMMV depending on how people typically organize in Salt 
> Lake City.

I didn’t know Meetup had such sophisitcated methods of letting folks know about 
events and have them RSVP by text message too! Do you know how to set that up? 


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