As I have been watching this thread, I've been tuning up (in small part, only fine tuning seems to be needed) highway route relations in my state thanks to resources found here:

As this host also serves maproulette, I believe it might be Martijn who administers "relationpages" and so I address these requests to him or whomever does administer them:

Might we add one more column of "unsigned_ref" next to the "ref" column? This would help reduce some confusion re highway relations in any given state, especially as we can sort columns by clicking on the arrow in a column header. Knowing that the "unsigned_ref" tag is part of a route relation allows certain gaps in other tags (name=*, ref=*...) to be better understood and entered or corrected as necessary. Thank you!

Also, not sure why, but the "gets refreshed every 4 hours based on latest OMS data" seems to be lagging, at least in the Name (name=* tag) column. Might this be fixed so it updates as stated? Thank you!


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