I don't know how to promote this any better than to say this here and hope it makes its way into local chapters' mind-space. I'd like to begin a campaign to encourage OSM volunteers to:

Map Your Train Ride!

Add public_transport=platforms to the map and/or route=train relation of your commute. It's easy: add a node or draw a small polygon representing the location of the platform, tag with public_transport=platform, railway=platform and highway=footway. You might also add it to the proper route=train relation(s) which should be found around that railway=station. For further guidance, see the diagram of a "simple railway station" at http://wiki.osm.org/wiki/Tag:railway%3Dstation#A_Simple_Railway_Station .

OSM shows the USA has a growing and better-tagged network of rail infrastructure: our TIGER import got us started by depositing bare rail, some has been improved (see http://wiki.osm.org/wiki/WikiProject_United_States_railways for how to do so) and infrastructure, route=railway and route=train relation improvements have been refined/added in many places. When done correctly, this gets us to public_transport:version=1. That's good, but public_transport:version=2 requires good station and platform data. This is where crowdsourcing Map Your Train Ride can really help!

Let's encourage our local chapters to unleash the power of "a few platforms here, a few platforms there" into OSM's train routes in the USA. Our rail infrastructure and train routes are just getting better and better!


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