To be clear, I am not volunteering myself- besides giving time to the LWG,
I have a baby coming in less than a month, so I'm trying to have fewer
projects, not more. I'm just trying to help defend the board :)

(And yes, I know all about cat herding. If the phrase translated well it
would have been on my last business card.)


On Fri, Apr 1, 2016, 9:31 PM Greg Morgan <> wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 12:01 PM, Luis Villa <> wrote:
>> On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 11:55 AM Steve Coast <> wrote:
>>> > On Apr 1, 2016, at 12:42 AM, Paul Norman <> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > On 4/1/2016 12:22 AM, Greg Morgan wrote:
>>> >> I would think that the US Board should add another board member to be
>>> a communications manager.  I now understand why corporations have paid
>>> staff that do nothing but manage all these communication options.
>>> >
>>> > Why would this need to be a board member as opposed to another
>>> volunteer managing communications without being a board member?
>>> Because volunteers tend to be terrible at doing work that isn’t fun.
>> Good thing board members are paid, then! Oh, wait ;)
>> Seriously, I'm with Paul- a designated group of volunteers who actually
>> enjoys and wants to do this would create a lot of value. (Casually engaged
>> people like me would get a lot out of it.)
>> But making the board *more* of a working board is not a healthy trend.
>> Except in a few very, very key areas (finance, mostly) the board should be
>> about identifying issues and encouraging people to work on them, not doing
>> things themselves.
> Luis, I am one hundred percent behind you.  Just like with Martijn, I
> helped out with a starting wiki page. A blank page is no fun.  Here you
> go.[1]  Go man Go!  If you have the secret sauce to grease the wheels, then
> document away.  You would answer the problem for US OSM and many other
> volunteer organizations. Please remember, the US Board is still the owner
> and would require approval when you have an implementation plan with your
> "casually engaged people."  I've been around enough people from Missouri to
> say, "Show Me!"  Well then there is Linus Torvalds: “Talk is cheap. Show me
> the code.”  I also found two links that provide you with another
> perspective on Steve's statement, "Because volunteers tend to be terrible
> at doing work that isn’t fun." [2], [3]
> As always we'll be watching and supporting you.  I've have a watch marked
> on the wiki page so that I can cheer for you.
> I hope this helps,
> Greg
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
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