
Thank you for the observation.

Specific to "roads now intersect buildings indicating that mapping is
inaccurate - like here:"
They are mostly unreviewed TIGER import, I also saw one instance where
we have building but no roads.
This was already discussed by the import team and will be fixed during
the cleanup/validation stage.

Keep your  comments and suggestions coming! Will ticket each one and
fix whatever we can.

On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 8:14 PM, Christoph Hormann <> wrote:
> On Tuesday 19 July 2016, maning sambale wrote:
>> Another round of updates on LABuildings import.
>> Last week we've imported ~1.1M buildings in LA City. Over 100
>> usernames participated.
>> We are close to finishing Phase 1 (LA City) and will continue data QA
>> and cleanup if needed.
> A few observations from looking over the map there:
> * There are quite a few cases where gaps between buildings are either
> very small (significantly less than a meter) or buildings touch at a
> single node.  Both are usually artefacts (probably primarily due to
> roof based rather than footprint based outlines).
> * There seem to be a lot of cases where garages and sheds are tagged as
> building=house or building=residential - like here:
> * In some cases boundaries of pre-existing landuse polygons (like
> landuse=residential/landuse=industrial) and roads now intersect
> buildings indicating that mapping is inaccurate - like here:
> All of these problems could probably be turned into maproulette tasks or
> be otherwise worked into QA tools - although at least the first two
> will require on-the-ground assessment for proper correction.
> --
> Christoph Hormann
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