On 02/08/16 17:59, Clifford Snow wrote:
> We tell people not to map for the renderer. In the same spirit shouldn't
> we tell people not to let the limitations of the editor stop them from
> mapping?

"Mapping for the renderer" is when someone adds incorrect data, purely
so it will show up nicely on the main map on openstreetmap.org (or some
other specific map style). "Mapping for the renderer" is about adding
false data.

OSM is not just a place to keep data, but also a place where data is
improved on, added to, tweaked, updated when the world updates, updated
when OSM wants to add more things. OSM also relies on other mappers'
ability to correct incorrect data, and that's all we have when it comes
to the complaint of inaccuracy.

And we update things with editors. So if you import something that's
going to be difficult to update with an editor, then that data is less
useful because it's harder for another mapper to correct it if it's
wrong, it's harder for someone to update tags, it's harder for someone
to update it when the world changes. Data that's hard to edit will
suffer from bitrot, and is less likely to have been verified.

OSM is a wiki, and most of it's strengths come from that. Data that's
harder to edit is less wiki-able than data that is easier to edit.

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