On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 1:03 PM, Georg Verweyen <ge...@familieverweyen.de>

>  But see three object with the same address (line 55, 58, 60 with 52
> Peters Road in 175543 Lititz). Can’t find these address in Lititz :( .

Multiple lines per address probably need to be collapsed to one node per
site, with perhaps a tag per service on the single node.
(Unless tagging separate entrances with nodes - but multiple entrances
presupposes a building outline, which isn't this sort of import. If only we
had NOAA LIDAR for inland areas :-D.)

51 Peters (not 52 Peters; it's correct in attachment CSV) appears to be a
new-build suburban clinic.

OSM is very under-detailed in this vicinity. Lots of buildings and parking
lots need tracing from Bing; lots of businesses for on-ground mapper to tag.

Bill Ricker
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