Please keep discussion on topic and positive.

Discouraging further discussion by applying labels such as "pointless" to
someone's opinion makes this list less open to those that believe it is an
important thing to discuss.

(Your friendly talk-us moderator)

On Mar 10, 2017 16:38, "Joel Holdsworth" <> wrote:


"Man" has been a general term for humanity in the English language since
time immemorial.

It is only feminists who wish to divide humanity along gender lines who
have a problem with "man" as a term of reference. Such argumentation is
deliberately divisive, and serves no purpose.

There is no need for the change, or a pointless discussion about such a

Please lets get on with making an awesome map.

Best Regards
Joel Holdsworth

On 10/03/17 14:27, Joshua Houston wrote:

> Hi,
> It occurred to me that "man_made" is an outdated term that should be
> phased out from OpenStreetMap language. The philosophy of OpenStreetMap
> is very inclusive and that should be represented even in the way data is
> tagged. I'd like to propose to change the key from "man_made" to
> "human_made" and start a discussion on it. Many parts of society are
> trying to implement a more inclusive language, NASA for instance has
> changed "manned missions" to "crewed missions". I think it is an
> important goal to make OSM inclusive whenever there is a choice.
> Thanks!
> Joshua Houston
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