On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 10:27 PM, Joshua Houston
<joshuahous...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> It occurred to me that "man_made" is an outdated term that should be phased
> out from OpenStreetMap language. The philosophy of OpenStreetMap is very
> inclusive and that should be represented even in the way data is tagged. I'd
> like to propose to change the key from "man_made" to "human_made" and start
> a discussion on it. Many parts of society are trying to implement a more
> inclusive language, NASA for instance has changed "manned missions" to
> "crewed missions". I think it is an important goal to make OSM inclusive
> whenever there is a choice.
> Thanks!
> Joshua Houston

You bring up a good point of course. It sticks out to me too. I am not
sure what a good alternative is though. human_made is not to bad.

Plus the knee jerk reactions as you have already seen make thoughtful
discussion of being more inclusive difficult and addressing default or
implicit gender biases next to impossible :)

Unfortunately, it is also a reality that changing existing, well
entrenched key names, is probably not very likely to happen.

But none of the above are any reason not to raise the topic for
consideration, and certainly to remind and inform us for the future
if/when choices as to key names or values need to be made.

Thank you for bringing it up Joshua, and I look forward to more
discussion on it and similar, related topics :)

It would be great to hear some women's thoughts on the issue.

> I think it is an important goal to make OSM inclusive
> whenever there is a choice.


Blake Girardot
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