Hi Kevin:

It may be that more than one relation is warranted because of multiple trail uses.  I can see how there might be one tagged route=hiking and another tagged route=bicycle, although if the trail is largely unpaved, route=mtb is preferred instead of the latter.  Of course, these would likely have to stay synced.  I don't know of another or better way to do this, as the route values do collide like this.  (The same is true for equestrians, if they are allowed on the trail:  "and then there were three.")

Then there are the network= tag values.  Perhaps network=rcn is correct for the route=bicycle and network=rwn for the route=hiking.  For the route=bicycle, a cycle_network=* tag is a good idea.

It may make sense to fit this into WikiProject_United_States_Long_Distance_Trails, too.


From: Kevin Kenny <kevin.b.kenny+...@gmail.com>
Subject: [Talk-us] Erie Canalway Trail
Date: July 4, 2017 at 10:07:57 PM PDT
To: "talk-us@openstreetmap.org" <talk-us@openstreetmap.org>

The Erie Canalway Trail is a historic corridor and a major cycling
route that runs near the route of the Erie Canal from Buffalo to
Albany.  https://www.ptny.org/cycle-the-erie-canal is the web site
describing it, and there's an interactive trail map at

Alas, the map is not always correct, at least according to the current
signage. I know this because the trail runs through my neighbourhood.
I've noticed the signs but not yet attempted to add the route to the

Is anyone interested in getting a route relation started with the
correct route?  I see in a number of other places in New York that the
trail is indicated by the name of a way, but the ways are not linked
into a coherent route.

I'm not a cyclist, but I'll happily sign up to field-check the signage
near me - I live only a city block or so from the marked trail.
(Caveat: I may need someone else to make sense of what the trail map
is trying to tell me for the stretch from Cohoes to Watervliet. It
seems to be a bit of a maze there.)

It could be that the route through my immediate neighbourhood is a
detour to avoid a couple of very steep hills on the route on the web
site. I can check in the next few days where the routes rejoin, and
whether both are signed.

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