You clearly haven't driven on US 97. It's a fairly busy road with a good
amount of truck traffic and lots of little towns along it. That was my
experience when I drove it. It goes thru central Oregon, which is arid, but
not totally desolate. There was PLENTY of cars going in the other
direction. We drove it between OR 138 and OR 58, and drove back to Eugene
via OR 58, another road that had LOTS of truck traffic, and IMO is fairly
analogous in terms of traffic to US 2 over Stevens Pass.

On Sat, Oct 14, 2017 at 9:47 PM, Paul Johnson <> wrote:

> On Sat, Oct 14, 2017 at 11:23 PM, Nathan Mills <> wrote:
>> I guess my question is why primary isn't good enough for the primary
>> route between places that don't have higher grade roads connecting them?
>> These important mostly two lane roads are perfectly fine as primary.
> Funding, mostly.  I'd consider Bend Parkway a trunk (the dual carriageway
> section between County Road 40 and US Route 20) But even then, the best
> Oregon's ever going to do with the rest of the US 97 route is a 2-lane
> single carriageway.  It's a desert road where you can go a decent amount of
> time without encountering anyone else in either direction, almost a road to
> go to of last resort if you're lost on foot as a last resort (and I realize
> most of the roads that cross it are posted "No bicycles, no pedestrians, no
> water available beyond this point", most of Oregon's open freaking desert
> with no features for dozens to hundreds of kilometers if terrain doesn't
> end the road far sooner).  That's totally a primary where it's not trunk.
>> In many cases primary routes happen to be divided, but in many cases they
>> aren't. Having a simple distinction between the two by using trunk to mean
>> non-motorway divided (or similar) preserves long-standing practice and
>> generally seems like a good thing to me.
>  Same here.  Bend Parkway's a solid trunk.  Milwaukie Expressway, too.
> Oklahoma City's Northwest Expressway's either a large primary or a bitty
> trunk; Tulsa's Riverside Parkway is a large primary.
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