I don't know where all of this is going, and wanted to see for myself, so I 
downloaded the California file (the largest one of all) and zoomed in on where 
I live and am most familiar with, Santa Cruz County.  Thank you for providing 
the ten states worth of translated data for us to take a look.

What I found was, um, "interesting."  In urban areas, there were indeed a few 
highway=service, service=alley ways which Bing confirms are either there, 
mostly there, or "almost there," as in "slightly offset by a meter or three."  
However, many of these were also clearly service=driveway instead of alley, a 
subtle distinction, but a crucial one, in my opinion (driveway implies 
access=private).  In more rural areas (and by no means is this a hard-and-fast 
delineation), there were many similar entries, but tree cover (2/3 of my 
county) made these impossible to distinguish via Bing.  Also, many had a name= 
tag with an empty value.  I'd rather that simply be no name tag at all, so that 
should be an easy improvement to make in any future/additional translations.

There are literally thousands of these in my little county (2nd smallest 
geographically in the state) and it would take many hours (days) to go through 
them one by one and Bing compare, which certainly would improve OSM's data 
here.  (I've done similar tedious visual comparisons for thousands of polygons 
and TIGER review before, it is a labor of love!)  However, much or even most of 
these data would need an on-the-ground verification, simply because 
aerial/satellite data, whether fresh or not, have too much tree cover to allow 
such armchair mapping.  And, most of these additional data are very likely in 
highly rural areas which are not only difficult to get to, but are obviously on 
private property and (as is very typical around here on those) behind gates or 
"No Trespassing" signs (which I respect).

So, while I find these a potentially rich source of new and/or better 
additional data, it is with great tedium and difficulty that they might be 
vetted/verified in a proper OSM way (cursory, via Bing, and/or fully and 
correctly, "on the ground").  I'm delighted the exercise to translate them into 
an easily-usable-by-OSM way has taken place, but it is with a great deal of 
caution and indeed trepidation that I approach and/or allow any new TIGER 
dataset "easy entry" into our map.

In short:  eyes very wide open, slow going (if any going at all) ahead.  If 
your state is included in the list, and you can zoom into your county or city, 
I'd be curious to hear what others might say after they take the half-hour or 
so I did to look and offer similar impressions of these data.

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