As someone who does research with Census data, it would be helpful to keep
all Census geographies in place (at least until Census decides to get rid
of them). Someone will use them at some point. Additionally, they're an
official component of Census geographies, as bureaucratic as that might be.
That alone seems to make them significant enough to keep. Deleting them
because they appear useless seems short sighted. It's not like roads are
deleted from OSM just because nobody uses them.


On Feb 27, 2018 2:30 AM, "Wolfgang Zenker" <>

* Clifford Snow <> [180227 01:59]:
> In the middle of the Yakama Nation Indian Reservation sits Satus [1] that
> as far as I know only exists in some Census bureaucrat world. Asking
> here I haven't found anyone familiar with the area. Wikipedia [2] doesn't
> help much either.

> I'd like to remove it from OSM. What reasonable checks do I need to do
> before deleting it. Or do they belong in OSM and I should leave it alone.

> I should add that the reason I want to delete it is because currently
> shares a boundary with the Yakama Nation. The boundary needs updating.

I would delete it, the boundary is useless. The name is still on the
place node next to what I guess used to be the railway station.

(lyx @ osm)

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