Hi Greg:

Great questions.  If you are a rail public_transport:version=2 super-jockey, 
hey, polish them up to a firm buff and we'll marvel at their brilliant shine!

However (and this is pedestrian me), I make "better" progress (higher quality 
data, at the expense of being slower) following roughly these steps to get to 
version 1, first.  Though these ordered steps are not strictly required, after 
much experience, I find this flow works and "teaches/practices me into becoming 
a better JOSM rail editor" (and others watching in the map, and progress in the 
wiki...) as I go:

1)  Tag the rail infrastructure correctly with railway=rail (or light_rail, 
subway, tram, monorail...).  If it was TIGER-imported, change its name=* tag to 
operator=* and if you know it, add a name=* tag (like XYZ Subdivision or Orange 
Line Light Rail).  Set a usage=[main, branch, industrial...] tag.  Don't 
include service=siding, service=yard, service=crossover, service=spur in 
route=railway relations, just the "main" line (even if it is tagged 

2)  Gather same-infrastructure, same-name, same-operator, same=usage, "in the 
same subdivision or track set" into one route=railway relation.

3)  If not light_rail, subway, monorail or tram, make a route=train relation 
which has the elements of that route=railway relation, plus railway=station 
nodes.  (If tram, they might be rail=tram_stop nodes...there is also platform 
tagging, which is for v2, we are getting there).

With those steps, you've made a route=railway (important!) as well as a v1 
train route.  As for extending these to v2, that's more complex and is outside 
the scope of a talk-us post, I'll not do it here, we have wikis for this.

"Starting at the top" (national passenger rail) is 
There are several state Rail wikis, a simple one is 
a medium-complexity one is https://wiki.osm.org/wiki/South Carolina/Railroads,
a ridiculously-complex one is https://wiki.osm.org/wiki/California/Railroads.

These are usually about 75%-80% descriptive of route=railway relations (the 
underlying infrastructure, which carries both freight/industrial traffic and 
sometimes also passenger traffic) and maybe 20%-25% descriptive of route=train 
(or other passenger rail, like tram, light_rail or monorail).

See https://wiki.osm.org/wiki/Relation:route (train, light_rail...) wiki to get 
to v1, and https://wiki.osm.org/wiki/Relation:public_transport to grow these to 
v2 (underway now all over the world there are v1 train routes in OSM).

Happy to help,

> On Mar 25, 2018, at 11:09 PM, Greg Morgan <dr.kludge...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I wonder what to do with some of the routes.  For example, additional tracks 
> were added in the Tucson area. If we add a route, say, us 60 then an east and 
> west relation is created along with a master route. Do we do the same with 
> rail routes or are all the rails thrown into the same relation?
> Regards,
> Greg
<remainder redacted for brevity>
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