Just to let people know who may not already have noticed, a number of these mappers (see for example http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/ravsjith *) have an updated profile that says:

"I work for Amazon Logistics. At Amazon Logistics, we’ve been utilizing OSM in some cases related to our delivery programs. In connection with those delivery programs, we have collected information that we think is valuable to the OSM community such as names and info about new roads that are not currently in the map today, new data on turn restrictions, and road connectivity, to name a few. When we hear feedback, we’ve been editing to provide that information for the benefit of the entire OSM user community. If you have more questions, please contact osm-edit-escalati...@amazon.com <mailto:osm-edit-escalati...@amazon.com> "

Best Regards,


* that's actually a new user; the previous "ravsjith" user is now "veerasatya"
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