Yes, indeed!  If Garmin wanted to make its loyal hardware customers a bit 
happier, it could firmware-update how it draws various zoom levels and how much 
detail it those include.  On an "old-school" device like my GPS 60 CSx, it may 
be prudent to trim and prune here and there when using OSM maps (if that can be 
determined, although now, it seems, that may be "more frequently").  However, 
as Elliot has an Edge 820 and even "last week's version" is "sluggish" (with 
OSM maps), a tune-up is prudent.  I believe it is where primary, secondary, 
tertiary, residential roads are drawn at particular zoom levels.  Device 
hardware ROM firmware update, or somewhere around there.

Heck, just like a map update is what Garmin turns into a paid data upgrade, I'd 
pay Garmin several dollars to publish a paid firmware upgrade, especially if it 
was as "smart" (and tuned...) as its data are.  That's clearly a business 
opportunity, too.  I appreciate the good discussion.  Go OSM!


> On Jul 5, 2018, at 2:55 PM, Martijn van Exel <> wrote:
> Also, if Garmin can sell OSM maps for US/Canada for $50 there is a clear 
> business opportunity there.

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