Just ref=CR 123.  The name should not be redundant to the ref, so if it's
signed as Clark Co. 123 and that's it, then add noname=yes as well.  The
name is only the name, name is not ref.

On Tue, Aug 14, 2018, 11:24 Jack Burke <burke...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Asking for thoughts & opinions...
> While some counties just attach a number to a pole (e.g., many counties in
> Georgia), there are some that put up signs saying "CR 123" (Jasper County,
> Mississippi) for unnamed county roads.  However, Clarke County, Mississippi
> signs (with shiny new green-signs-on-a-stick) county roads as "Clarke Co.
> 123".  What are everyone's thoughts on how to name these roads in OSM for
> Clarke County?  We can just leave the name field blank and use ref=CR 123,
> we can do the ref tag and also include name=County Road 123, or we can do
> ref=CR 123 and name=Clarke County 123.  Or even ref=CR 123, name=Clarke
> County 123, alt_name=County Road 123.  Or swap the name= and alt_name=
> values.
> Keep in mind that a lot of county roads in OSM already have name=County
> Road 123 from a bulk import many moons ago.
> Clarke County, MS, example:
> https://www.mapillary.com/map/im/l9YS7slPwIDc-3Qw8IQaqg
> Jasper County, MS, example:
> https://www.mapillary.com/map/im/_mZvHi1tX9ddTJKS5DLiFg
> --jack
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