On Aug 24, 2018, at 11:41 AM, Evin Fairchild <evindf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey, I totally agree that we need to fix the rendering so that the renderer 
> will show ref tags on route relations. But until then, it's impractical to 
> expect people to avoid putting the ref tags on the ways.

Evin, we agree to disagree about "practicality."  Defects can be so severe that 
workarounds cease as solutions.  If/as more data entry which tags for the 
renderer STOPS (no more bandages), and the real wound is seen for what it is (a 
problem that must be fixed), a much stronger incentive to fix exists.  We are 
not there now because of all the bandages, though we may get there if data 
entry more fully embraces "don't code for the renderer:"  shields don't get 
rendered properly, routing seems to (or does) fail, etc.  Either way (we can't 
have it both ways), the ONLY eventual solution is to fix what's broken.  Mihai 
broached the topic, again (thank you), here we are.

It seems "until then" is good enough for some people.  As I can only speak for 
myself, I say "not good enough for me."  Identifying defects is an absolutely 
critical process in any software endeavor, OSM included.  And, as this is a 
specific/localized problem, I wish to build stronger methodologies in OSM for 
our ability to identify/recognize ANY problem in our data-to-render pipelines, 
while being supported by our community in our quest to fix them.  My annoyance 
IS at the renderer itself.  "Push for it to get fixed" is exactly what this is.

As crucial "render stack coders" (right on, Martijn!), are clearly a critical 
OSM resource, they can't be expected to service every single problem, so we 
have what has evolved.  But, we must prioritize.  This is correct:  some 
defects are purely cosmetic, some are high-priority.  There is a rich spectrum 
of multi-dimensional methods to measure (and hence prioritize) software 
defects.  However, "pretending away" with "it's impractical" and "don't code 
for the renderer" must be identified as what they are:  dancing/hand-waving to 
buy some time until the demand (to fix defects) catches up with the 
supply/reality of them actually getting fixed.  OSM simply must get better at 
this.  I may not know exactly how today, but decades of improving exactly this 
process at major software companies tells me that's what this is and that's 
what we must do.  The process remains opaque quite likely deliberately to 
"obfuscate away" demands on critical resources.  Let's open that up, please; 
Open is our first name.

> I do agree with not tagging for the renderer, but I was merely pointing out 
> that it's impractical to expect EVERYONE to follow it in this case until the 
> renderer is fixed.

To make my point clearly:  calling it "impractical" prolongs the problem by 
winking and nodding at slapping bandages on a wound.  The "short-term bandage 
window" is or should be closed by now.  Paul Johnson is right:  dinosaurs like 
ten-year old bugs ought to be fixed.  If you want to say "it's impractical to 
expect..." you can.  I am saying "let's be practical by fixing what is broken." 
 That's what works.

Really, this is a much wider conversation, as you (Evin) identify about 
Washington state route shields and Kevin Kenny's recent "resurrection" of 
similar topics.  Yes, the data-to-render pipelines can be complex; I 
acknowledge that, this is a fundamental "tall mountain" of OSM.  But I continue 
to say "fix bugs, don't bandage them" (rather than wink or say "that's 
impractical").  Andy's awesome work to streamline mapnik into Carto is an 
excellent example of this tenet:  our project will either learn how to fix 
complexities in renderers (often by simplification of the codebase), or we will 
self-destruct in endless discussions like this.  I'd much rather take what is 
known to be a proven successful path.  So, let's improve our render-defect 
fixing pipeline, as it is rather broken.  No judgement there, rather 
identification of problems needing fixing.  We've done it before, we'll do it 
again, only better.

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