On 2018.09.07. 21:52, Albert Pundt wrote:
> Roundabouts are somewhat common nowadays in the US and follow the same
> rules as European roundabouts: entering traffic yields to circle
> traffic. Many intersections, such as the rotaries in Massachusetts,
> follow these rules despite not being signed as "roundabouts."
> We do, however, still have many oldschool traffic circles with odd
> yielding rules, or just nothing signed at all. These are typically
> tagged with junction=circular.

Note that roundabouts don't have implicit yielding rules - actually, by
default the entering traffic has the right of way, which is why you'll
see yield signs in about 99% of them.

A roundabout would be a place with one-way traffic (if there's a
roundabout sign, that's even better - easier for us). Two-way traffic
would not be a roundabout.
I haven't seen/tagged junction=circular, it might be appropriate in such

If it's a small one with a (streetcar) passable central section, that
would be mini_roundabout - but only if there's nothing obstructing
straight-through traffic.

> On Fri, Sep 7, 2018 at 2:37 PM Marian Poara <marian.po...@telenav.com
> <mailto:marian.po...@telenav.com>> wrote:
>     Hi all,____
>     We have a short but important question: should we tag with
>     “junction=roundabout”  the circular intersections in US where there
>     is a physical center you can’t drive over and there is more than one
>     way entering, based on satellite imagery? (some examples here:
>     40.5234202, -111.8762446, 35.8497728, -86.4547473, 42.6811136,
>     -73.6987507, 40.22109, -76.874981). And if we have OSC or Mapillary
>     street level images and it is confirmed that they don’t have any
>     roundabout sign? In many residential areas (but not only), there
>     isn’t any one way sign inside the small “roundabouts” and it seems
>     that both directions are used. ____
>     __ __
>     Thanks and regards!____
>     Marian Poara____
>     __ __
>     Marian Poară____
>     Map Analyst____
>     ____
>     www.telenav.com <http://www.telenav.com>____
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> -- 
> —Albert Pundt
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