On 2018.09.07. 23:12, Kevin Kenny wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 7, 2018 at 3:32 PM Rihards <ric...@nakts.net> wrote:
>> Note that roundabouts don't have implicit yielding rules - actually, by
>> default the entering traffic has the right of way, which is why you'll
>> see yield signs in about 99% of them.
> Maybe in your state, not in mine!  On a circle in New York,
> circulating traffic has right of way over entering traffic.
> The YIELD sign is there to remind drivers of the fact,
> and yes, most roundabouts have YIELD signs.
> https://dmv.ny.gov/about-dmv/chapter-5-intersections-and-turns

Very interesting, thank you for the info.
Is there a clear signage for all roundabouts?                                   

> The state DOT does warn that other jurisdictions have different
> rules, granting the right-of-way to entering vehicles over circulating
> ones.
> https://www.dot.ny.gov/main/roundabouts/background
> That's usually because there's a general rule that traffic on
> the right at at an uncontrolled intersection has priority, and
> the jurisdiction in question hasn't introduced a special
> case for roundabouts at all. (Some actually also ignore
> freeway entrances, so that traffic entering has the right
> of way over traffic already on the freeway! In such a case,
> the laws of physics trump the traffic laws: the right  of
> way belongs to the greater kinetic energy.)

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