On Sun, Nov 11, 2018 at 6:34 PM Albert Pundt <roadsgu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On an unrelated note, thanks for linking that renderer. I used it to find
> and fix some holes in PA's US 119 relation where it defaulted to using a
> plain text rectangle since only the ref tag was present.

It may be a while before your changes show up.  I reroll the tiles only

The shaped shields are used only for route=road relations. Putting network
and ref on the way won't get them. (The plain text rectangles are used as a
fallback for routes that have ref=* but are not members of route relations,
or for networks that the code doesn't recognize.)

Even though there are no reassurance markers, I think that map users would
expect to see the Pike labeled as such, with the shield in place.  The
markers at entry and exit are prominent, and it's pretty obvious when
you're entering and leaving since your go through a toll station.
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