There have been some road name challenge projects which do excellent work - updating the road network for current changes. In some cases, there are now dueling sources, for example a recent change -

(I don't fault any editor involved; they were following best practices using the best information they had at the time.)

  Here's my interpretation -
1. Original TIGER had Ruppe Dr at a nearby but incorrect location.
2. Updated TIGER caught Ruppe Dr at the correct location, but introduced a typo when entered: Tuppe instead of Ruppe, and didn't remove or just move the original Ruppe Dr. 3. All county GIS departments were directed to dump their newest road data into in 2018. 4. This was used in a challenge project to create the first version of Ruppe Dr at the correct location. 5. A second update was applied using older / wrong TIGER data. Neither noticed the wrong duplicate Ruppe Drive that ran through a house.

  The wrong Tuppe Drive still has a "source" tag which is now misleading.

We were able to get a local GIS to release data to OSM. In analyzing the data, I notice that address tags are much more carefully updated than road names. So I could create a local project to correct some local roads based on corrections from the address data. I hesitate because then those changes will be reverted when they don't match TIGER.

1.) For global TIGER comparison maps, would it be possible to substitute more current public statewide data as the reference such as in SC?

2.) Just as if I surveyed the name on a street sign and was able to confirm it with public records, how would I detect / prevent loss of work when it mismatches our other public sources for several years?

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