> I think it makes no sense to call a dirt path, open to more than 1 user 
> group, anything other than a path

It is very common to tag dirt footpaths as highway=footway in most
parts of the world, if the path is designed for and used by people on

For example, here in Indonesia there are never signs that say you
can't ride a bicycle on the highway=footway that connect mountain
villages, but they are certainly not designed for bicycles and would
be extremely technically challenging on a MTB. Horses are not
prohibited either, but there are no horses in the area. So I map these
paths as highway=footway

In the USA I would think it reasonable to use highway=footway for dirt
single-track trails designed for travel on foot, even if bicycles or
horses are not specifically prohibited.

I would use highway=path for MUPs (multi-use paths) that are
specifically designed for use by both people on bikes and people
walking or riding horses, along with the appropriate access tags.

Also, I don't think this page is authoritative:
Note at the top is says "There is conflicting information on this
topic at several places. Please see Talk:Highway tag usage and the
Talk-US Mailing List for discussion."

On 4/19/19, brad <bradha...@fastmail.com> wrote:
> Everywhere I've been in the US or Canada a dirt 'way' too narrow for a 4
> wheel vehicle is called a trail, path, or single track.   For the most
> part they are appropriately (IMO) tagged as path. Unfortunately the wiki
> says this for highway:path (the highlighting is mine):
> /A non-specific path. //*Use **highway=footway
> <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:highway%3Dfootway>**for paths
> mainly for walkers, **highway=cycleway
> <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:highway%3Dcycleway>**for one
> also usable by cyclists, **highway=bridleway
> <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:highway%3Dbridleway>**for ones
> available to horse riders as well as walkers *//and //highway=track
> <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:highway%3Dtrack>//for ones
> which is passable by agriculture or similar vehicles./
> I think it makes no sense to call a dirt path, open to more than 1 user
> group, anything other than a path.    Since about 98% of the trail
> tagging that I've seen seems to agree, Is there consensus on this?
> Perhaps if the international group likes the description as is, a
> clarification on the US road tagging wiki page?
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/United_States_roads_tagging

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