On 4/20/2019 9:18 AM, Aaron Forsythe wrote:

> cycleway ; bike path ; paved path, open to bikes, & I've never seen
one that

> wasn't open to pedestrian too

These do exist.  There are a few around here (Missouri, USA). In these
cases, there’s usually a separate path for pedestrians so cyclists can
have a path off the roadway, but not have to dodge pedestrians.  They
are rare enough though that defaulting to allow pedestrians would
likely still be the best option.

The Manhattan Bridge in NYC is another example. The path on the
southwest side is for pedestrians only, and the path on the northeast
side is for bicycles only.


(That's how they're signed anyway -- compliance with those rules is
another story.)

Personally I would encourage explicit tagging of foot=yes on
highway=cycleway if foot traffic is permitted, and discourage routing
foot traffic over cycleways without this tag.


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