On December 25, 2019 at 11:46:47 PM PST Joseph Eisenberg 
<joseph.eisenb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >  new freeway was just renamed for a congress person 
> In this case “official_name=“ with the whole congresspersons name would be 
> good, keeping the commonly-used name in “name=“.

Minh and I earlier this year were discussing how a highway near me I had 
"renamed" (with its name=* tag) for a slain state highway patrol officer was 
causing the text-to-speech code of a navigation device to pour forth a very 
lengthy "take this exit" burst of speech that was difficult to follow.  We 
agreed that official_name=* was an appropriate key for the value of this 
signed-on-the-ground name for the highway, although I have seen alt_name tagged 
in the map for this purpose (and I might have "corrected" it to official_name, 
I can't recall exactly).

Also, I find that "alt_name" works well for abbreviated county names, as in 
California in certain contexts, the name of a county without the word "county" 
appended unambiguously communicates a geography to someone.  (As in "From this 
part of Amador (county), you'll have to skirt the edge of El Dorado to get to 
Alpine").  Greg (M.) seems to indicate this happens in (Pima) Arizona, as well.

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