On 16/07/2020 13:35, Russell Nelson wrote:
As you say, it's just a listing of facts about the world. At most the presentation of them is copyrightable, but as Skyler noted, he's changing the presentation.

No license needed for facts.

Remember, that might the law in the USA, but not in the whole world, including the UK, where (lots of) the OSM servers & legal body is based, which can have the “sweat of the brow” doctrine, rather than the higher “creativity” requirement. In addition, many countries (incl. EU & UK) have “sui generis database rights”, which give copyright like protections to collections of facts. OSM uses that legal protection.

Regardless, OSM is not a forum to explore the grey areas of international copyright law. If we're not sure, we don't use it! 🙂


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