Not sure if crossposting to talk-us is correct, but it is a "home list" for me.

I've created a large fire perimeter in OSM from public sources, .  This is a huge fire (sadly, there are 
larger ones right now, too), over 130 square miles, and caused the evacuation 
of every third person in my county (yes).  There are hundreds, perhaps 
thousands of structures, mostly residential homes, which have burned down and 
the event has "completely changed" giant redwoods in and the character of 
California's oldest state park (Big Basin).

This perimeter significantly affects landuse, landcover and human patterns of 
movement and activity in this part of the world for a significant time to come. 
 It is a "major disaster."  I'm curious how HOT teams might delineate such a 
thing (and I've participated in a HOT fire team, mapping barns, water sources 
for helicopter dips and other human structures during a large fire near me), 
I've simply made a polygon tagged fire=perimeter, a name=* tag and a 
start_date.  I don't expect rendering, it's meant to be an "up to right about 
here" (inside the polygon is/was a burning fire, outside was no fire).  I 
wouldn't say it is more accurate than 20 to 50 meters on any edge, an "across a 
wide street" distance to be "off" is OK with me, considering this fire's size, 
but if a slight skew jiggles the whole thing into place better, feel free to 
nudge.  It's the tagging I'm interested in getting right, and perhaps wondering 
if or even that people enter gigantic fires that will significantly change 
landscape for some time into OSM, as I have done.  This will affect my local 
mapping, as a great much has burned.  Even after starting almost two weeks ago, 
as of 20 minutes ago this fire is 33% contained, with good, steady progress.  
These men and women are heroes.

To me, this is a significant polygon in my local mapping:  it is a "huge thing" 
that is a major feature on a map, especially right now.  I firmly believe it 
belongs in OSM for many reasons and want it tagged "correctly."  Yes, there are 
other maps that show this, I believe OSM should have these data, too, as this 
perimeter will affect much (in the real world) and much newer, updated mapping 
in OSM going forward.

Thank you for your suggestions,
(safer now thanks to truly heroic efforts by firefighters, law enforcement and 
many others)
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