Just a reminder, landuse is to tag what the land is used for.
landuse=forest is for areas that have harvestable wood products, ie trees.
Just because there was a fire doesn't mean the landuse changes. Landcover
is a better tag for burnt areas as well as areas just clearcut.

On Thu, Sep 24, 2020 at 2:31 PM stevea <> wrote:

> I didn't get a single reply on this (see below), which I find surprising,
> especially as there are currently even larger fires that are more
> widespread all across the Western United States.
> I now ask if there are additional, appropriate polygons with tags I'm not
> familiar with regarding landcover that might be added to the map (as
> "landuse=forest" might be strictly true now only in a 'zoning' sense, as
> many of the actual trees that MAKE these forests have sadly burned down, or
> substantially so).
> Considering that there are literally millions and millions of acres of
> (newly) burned areas (forest, scrub, grassland, residential, commercial,
> industrial, public, private...), I'm surprised that OSM doesn't have some
> well-pondered and actual tags that reflect this situation.  My initial
> tagging of this (simply tagged, but enormous) polygon as "fire=perimeter"
> was coined on my part, but as I search wiki, taginfo and Overpass Turbo
> queries for similar data in the map, I come up empty.
> First, do others think it is important that we map these?  I say yes, as
> this fire has absolutely enormous impact to what we do and might map here,
> both present and future.  The aftermath of this fire (>85,000 acres this
> fire alone) will last for decades, and for OSM to not reflect this in the
> map (somehow, better bolstered than a simple, though huge, polygon tagged
> with fire=perimeter, start_date and end_date) seems OSM "cartographically
> misses something."  I know that HOT mappers map the "present- and
> aftermath-" of humanitarian disasters, I've HOT-participated myself.  So,
> considering the thousands of structures that burned (most of them homes),
> tens of thousands of acres which are burn-scarred and distinctly different
> than their landcover, millions of trees (yes, really) and even landuse is
> now currently tagged, I look for guidance — beyond the simple tag of
> fire=perimeter on a large polygon.
> Second, if we do choose to "better" map these incidents and results (they
> are life- and planet-altering on a grand scale) how might we choose to do
> that?  Do we have landcover tags which could replace landuse=forest or
> natural=wood with something like natural=fire_scarred?  (I'm making that
> up, but it or something like it could work).  How and when might we replace
> these with something less severe?  On the other hand, if it isn't
> appropriate that we map any of this, please say so.
> Thank you, especially any guidance offered from HOT contributors who have
> worked on post-fire humanitarian disasters,
> SteveA
> California (who has returned home after evacuation, relatively safe now
> that this fire is 100% contained)
> On Aug 29, 2020, at 7:20 PM, stevea <> wrote:
> > Not sure if crossposting to talk-us is correct, but it is a "home list"
> for me.
> >
> > I've created a large fire perimeter in OSM from public sources,
> .  This is a huge fire (sadly, there are
> larger ones right now, too), over 130 square miles, and caused the
> evacuation of every third person in my county (yes).  There are hundreds,
> perhaps thousands of structures, mostly residential homes, which have
> burned down and the event has "completely changed" giant redwoods in and
> the character of California's oldest state park (Big Basin).
> >
> > This perimeter significantly affects landuse, landcover and human
> patterns of movement and activity in this part of the world for a
> significant time to come.  It is a "major disaster."  I'm curious how HOT
> teams might delineate such a thing (and I've participated in a HOT fire
> team, mapping barns, water sources for helicopter dips and other human
> structures during a large fire near me), I've simply made a polygon tagged
> fire=perimeter, a name=* tag and a start_date.  I don't expect rendering,
> it's meant to be an "up to right about here" (inside the polygon is/was a
> burning fire, outside was no fire).  I wouldn't say it is more accurate
> than 20 to 50 meters on any edge, an "across a wide street" distance to be
> "off" is OK with me, considering this fire's size, but if a slight skew
> jiggles the whole thing into place better, feel free to nudge.  It's the
> tagging I'm interested in getting right, and perhaps wondering if or even
> that people enter gigantic fires that will significantly change landscape
> for some time into OSM, as I have done.  This will affect my local mapping,
> as a great much has burned.  Even after starting almost two weeks ago, as
> of 20 minutes ago this fire is 33% contained, with good, steady progress.
> These men and women are heroes.
> >
> > To me, this is a significant polygon in my local mapping:  it is a "huge
> thing" that is a major feature on a map, especially right now.  I firmly
> believe it belongs in OSM for many reasons and want it tagged "correctly."
> Yes, there are other maps that show this, I believe OSM should have these
> data, too, as this perimeter will affect much (in the real world) and much
> newer, updated mapping in OSM going forward.
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