On Oct 15, 2020, at 12:06 PM, Joseph Eisenberg <joseph.eisenb...@gmail.com> 
> Many of the old "pack trail" labeled features near my home-town are now 
> overgrown and barely usable. I would be skeptical about the utility of this 
> tag - mappers will need to survey the trail in person before suggesting that 
> it is currently suitable for horse, mules or other pack animals.

Right:  many "trails" labelled "Pack Trail" are either from a long time ago 
and/or mapped a long time ago.  I would be wary of the utility of this label on 
many maps, but that can be said of many labels on many maps, especially when 
they are older or specify an "older" aspect of a map label such as "Pack 
Trail."  This has an old-fashioned sense about it, as while pack animals on 
trails are certainly still used, it's safe to say far, far less than they were 
in the 20th (and 19th and previous) centuries.

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