On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 6:36 PM, Bernd Jendrissek <
bernd.jendris...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The "or parts thereof" also leaves me thinking that "using" includes
> making derivative works.  The sentence or two describing the required
> acknowledgement of State Copyright would also be moot if this was just
> a matter of "reading a book".  "A suitable statement ...  must be
> included with such product" seems to me to be contemplating said
> person or private sector organisation (re)distributing a (possibly
> derived) work.

Well spotted. The "acknowledgement" requirement indicates that some forms of
redistribution is allowed. My guess is that the writer was thinking about
* the case where someone "bundles" his software with State data to N
(specific) clients, so he asks the government for N copies of the data and
they give him one copy and tell him to make his own copies.
* or where someone combines State data with data from other sources to make
a specific map. Like an environmental impact study.

But it's not clear if it's redistribution with or without fee and if it
refers to redistribution of a substantial part or only a few excepts (e.g.
fair use / fair trading). OSM has so far not taken risks like these. See
e.g. http://www.systemed.net/blog/?p=100

We can consider tracing from State aerial photos. If the "may use such
products" wording does not protect us, then we use Richard's argument that
tracing is not copying.
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