
Thanks for the input. In the TMNP only Cape Nature or someone with
permission from them can take a vehicle onto the jeep tracks. Hence my
motorcar=no suggestion. The "roads" are gravel tracks in the forest
and fynbos, so I think that fits pretty well with the
forest/agricultural idea of a track.  Quite a number of the jeep
tracks are presently tagged access=private, but to my mind this is
public land that can only be accessed by vehicles with permission.

Sorry about the confusion caused by the capitals, but my email client
insists on automatically capitalising the start of a sentence. Just to
confuse things further, a main path in TMNP is called the Contour
Path. So my suggestion was to name paths and tracks that do in fact
have official names. Also Skeleton George, Nursery Ravine, etc.

On 7/23/10, Glen Wilson <> wrote:
>   Hi Bryan
> Tagging the Jeep tracks as motorcar=no suggests that you can't take your
> 4x4 that way, ever.  If this is the case then highway
> <>=path
> <> /might /be more
> appropriate.  A while ago somebody (Nic?) mentioned that highway=track
> was intended more for agricultural or forestry use but I can't remember
> exactly what they said was better.
> If you have information on the trail difficulty, add sac_scale=*
> <> to the footways.
> *I* think naming the ways "contour path" (lower case) indicates a
> generic name whereas "Contour Path"  is a proper noun (and a more
> official name).
> I'd say tag the ways as highway=footway (because capital Highway=footway
> is not the same thing[1]) but I'm sure you know that already.
> Later
> Glen (Tinshack)
> [1] See Q & A on the Adding Tags
> <> page of the
> Beginners Guide on the Wiki.
> On 2010/07/23 04:56 PM, Bryan Devine wrote:
>> I've been fortunate in being given a set of (non-copyright) gpx files
>> that covers almost every safe footpath and jeep track in the TMNP.
>> These have been uploaded into the traces database and I'm presently
>> tracing them on to the map. However, I've come up against a variety of
>> tags that have been applied to existing tracks and footpaths. In the
>> interest of conformity within the TMNP (and possibly other national
>> parks), could I get some input on a tagging scheme that I can apply
>> throughout.
>> My suggestions are:
>> Jeep Tracks:
>> Highway=track
>> access=permissive
>> motorcar=no
>> bicycle=no
>> foot=yes
>> surface=gravel
>> name= "Contour path or whatever if the track has a name"
>> Footpaths
>> Highway=footway
>> Foot=yes
>> Name= "Contour path or whatever if the track has a name"
>> Bryan

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