That is essentially my reply to question. The additional problem is that if
you only do a density comparison as AlexJF seems to want to do, then you
end up with an essentially meaningless comparison. Google Maps have auto
mapped a lot of lakes in South Africa has an example. When you actually
look at the satellite imagery and where these lakes/dams are it is fairly
obvious that it is wrong. Doing density comparisons on such an area would
benefit Google but the result would be meaningless.


On 29 April 2013 13:29, Craig Leat <craig.l...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The devil is in the detail. I would say you can have a high quality
> map, but with limited coverage. Think of the site plan of your house.
> To assess quality or coverage I don't think you can compare OSM to
> other map providers, as which provider represents the gold standard? I
> would change the question to rather look at suitability for a task and
> then define the task.
> Craig
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