You can use different external sources to do different types of comparisons:
1. Garmin (or any other commercial) map: compare length of roads,
number of poi's, addresses.
2. Municipality data: take lists of street names and calculate how
many of those exist in OSM (how many streets exist in OSM but are not
in municipality data - error streets)
3. Official number/length/area of rivers, lakes.
4. Official list of places.
5. List of national parks, theatres, museums.
6. Number of errors (you probably need ratios to compare
to results of other countries)
7. Data from commercial entities (shopping centres/networks, banks,
restaurants etc.)

etc. I think you get the idea.

Note that such external info could be used not only to assess quality
and quantity, but to point out missing information and automatically
detect deleted/crippled data or even detect errors in external


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