I've talked to some of you on here already about a streaming set up, and even asked some of you what you use to stream. I'm asking, what would be the cheapest way to stream and still have it sound good? I've done some research in to some of the soundcards out there, and one I found for $199.99.
It was the TASCAM US-122 USB Audio/MIDI Interface, found at
Musician's Friend
I started with this one because I have heard that it's what Steve uses.
For mikes I looked at this one found at
American Music
http://ssl3.adhost.com/americanmusic/merchant.cfm?step=4&pid=34347 :
GXL2400 microphones
Price: $79.99 / ea.
Again, because it's what I heard Steve uses. I realize that sounds crazy to start looking in to things because soemone else uses it, but I have heard his shows, and I thought the mike sounds good. Well, If any of you are willing/able to help me maybe give me different ideas to look in to, or maybe have a cheaper site to find these things that would be muchly apreciated.
Thanks in advance, Ray.
I apologize for the length of this email.
again, thanks, Ray.

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