Well, today's the day then. My marrage. Yep, tied down, but it's a good
In any case, with luck if all goes to plan and things don't break, you fine
people will be able to tune into the wedding as it happens live from the
comfort of your own homes by pointing your winamp to
at 11 AM EST, 4 PM UK and the rest you can work out I'm sure.
The stream is most likely going to be spotty in places, using 3G to stream
will do that, but an uninterupted archive will be made available at a later
In any case, I suppose I should continue to get ready. Thank you to all
those that want to listen and can make it. Wish me luck.
MR Andre P. Louis
My personal site: http://AndreLouis.COM
My Live Journal: http://LJ.AndreLouis.COM
On Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=530631282
Free music (for use in MOH systems, podcasts and radio):
The Beyond Radio Network (TBRN:) http://www.TBRN.NET
Rockbox voices: http://onj1.AndreLouis.COM/rockbox
The phonetones project: http://onj1.AndreLouis.COM/phonetones
Online contacts:
Email and NET Messenger: an...@andrelouis.com
Aim: FreakyFwoof
Telephone contacts:
Home (phone United Kingdom): +44207-0788886
Home (fax United Kingdom): +44207- 2212126
Cellular (United Kingdom): +44-7875-546903
In the United States: +1-404-8065809
A PROUD Samsung NC10 Netbook owner since 05/12/2008.
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