hmmmm I may make some of it can't damn sleep.
At 12:21 a.m. 19/04/2009, you wrote:
>Well, today's the day then.  My marrage.  Yep, tied down, but it's a good 
>In any case, with luck if all goes to plan and things don't break, you fine 
>people will be able to tune into the wedding as it happens live from the 
>comfort of your own homes by pointing your winamp to
>at 11 AM EST, 4 PM UK and the rest you can work out I'm sure.
>The stream is most likely going to be spotty in places, using 3G to stream 
>will do that, but an uninterupted archive will be made available at a later 
>In any case, I suppose I should continue to get ready.  Thank you to all those 
>that want to listen and can make it.  Wish me luck.
>    MR  Andre P. Louis
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