On 11/04/18 08:31 PM, Kevin Cozens via talk wrote:
On 2018-04-11 08:05 PM, Michael Galea via talk wrote:
A bit of research indicates that the two most popular free VM contenders are VMware and Microsoft's Hyper-V.  Can anyone recommend one over the other?  Are there better choices?

A third choice is VirtualBox. I just checked the website for it and it is available for Windows. I also noticed it is from Oracle and some people don't like dealing with Oracle products. I've been using VirtualBox under Linux to run an older version of Windows so I can run a 3D modelling program that is Windows only.

One of the things that pushed me towards VirtualBox was ease of setup. I first looked at VM Ware but found it confusing to determine which version I would have needed to use.

I too recommend Virtual Box, and the large memory you mentioned (32GB)

You may have fun finding large memories: all too many devices have soldered-in small memory chips, to "encourage" you to buy a whole new machine when you need more.


[currenty running an old-looking brands new t44p, fro the pluggable memory]

David Collier-Brown,         | Always do right. This will gratify
System Programmer and Author | some people and astonish the rest
dav...@spamcop.net           |                      -- Mark Twain

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