On Wed, 25 Jul 2018 00:30:58 -0400
Evan Leibovitch via talk <talk@gtalug.org> wrote:

> Hi all.
> This question is asked of anyone who administers a mailing list about
> policies. I'm setting up a campaign-based mailing system using phplist (as
> opposed to a forum-type MLM such as Mailman) and I'm interested to know
> what policies or best practices you might have in place to address this
> specific question:
> When a list subscriber goes to a link to change their preferences or
> unsubscribe, from what email address does the confirmation (for changes) or
> "sorry to see you go" message (for unsubscriptions) originate.
> Does such administrative email come from:
> a) an identifiable member or the organization's staff?
> b) a postmaster-type alias?
> c) a do-not-reply address?
> ​Any feedback is appreciated.​


   I run a website and email list for a hiking club.  I do everything
manually.  A do-not-reply address is good when you don't want people
replying to you.  If you want replies, you need to provide a meaningful

Howard Gibson 
Talk Mailing List

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