I am interested in this question too.  I currently am running on Debian 7.7 but 
I’m not sure I can upgrade to a more current version, which is frustrating 
because I want to install Java (to run a Minecraft server) and (when I tried, 
so while back) I couldn’t get it to install because I had such an old version 
of Debian.

So I was thinking of FreeBSD, but OmniOS looks pretty interesting. I won’t be 
doing any upgrade for several months (because as far as I can see, I need to 
install a new ZFS system and copy it over. I can’t risk loosing this system). 
It would be good to have a backup, anyway. I could try this on a virtual 
system, but I don’t know long it would take to back-up over the network.

On Aug 24, 2018, 3:51 PM -0400, D. Hugh Redelmeier via talk <talk@gtalug.org>, 
> | From: right.maple.nut via talk <talk@gtalug.org>
> | Hello All, Like the Subject Line says, I'm setting up a ZFS File Server
> | for my Home Network. Given that I will have to go to the trouble of
> | setting up the Distro and Migrating the Linux Install to ZFS Root, I
> | don't want to have to do this too many times. So, which Distro are the
> | favourite for Running ZFS-on-Linux? Also, is there such a thing as a
> | Linux Distro that is smart enough to give you a choice if you are
> | willing to use non-GPL'ed code in the Installer, so that I can just
> | Install Directly on a ZFS Pool? Thank You in Advance for your Input.
> | Regards, Amos
> Why not run a *BSD?
> Or something Solaris-related? Open Indiana????
> - They more naturally run ZFS.
> - there is no clash-of-licenses drama.
> - the code is probably more tested.
> - there are even out of the box fileserver distros based on *BSD.
> - TrueOS, FreeNAS?
> Is there something that you don't like about UNIX (as opposed to
> Linux) for a file server?
> ---
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