On 2018-08-31 05:15 PM, David Mason wrote:
OK, so I have an 8TB Seagate USB disk and have created a zpool on it called backup1. My main pool is called tank. I tried:

: ~ ; sudo zfs snapshot -r tank@2018-08-31
: ~ ; sudo zfs list
backup1         508K  7.14T   136K  /backup1
tank           1.66T   916G   412K  /tank
tank/audio     12.1G   916G  12.1G  /audio
tank/cvs       32.7M   916G  32.7M  /tank/cvs
tank/etc       18.1M   916G  18.1M  /tank/etc
tank/home       531G   916G   531G  /home

: ~ ; sudo zfs list -t snapshot
NAME                        USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
tank@2018-08-31                0      -   412K  -
tank/audio@2018-08-31          0      -  12.1G  -
tank/cvs@2018-08-31            0      -  32.7M  -
tank/etc@2018-08-31            0      -  18.1M  -
tank/home@2018-08-31           0      -   531G  -
and now I try (after some research):

: ~ ; sudo zfs send -R tank@2018-08-31 | sudo zfs recv -vd backup1
cannot receive new filesystem stream: destination 'backup1' exists
must specify -F to overwrite it
warning: cannot send 'tank@2018-08-31': Broken pipe

Any quick help?

Thanks  ../Dave

That's expected Dave.

Because backup1 is a new filesystem, it is inherently not a decedent of of your source zfs data set and is so a name collision. So -F to force is perfectly reasonable to remove the empty dataset and replicate your source into the pool.

In following backups, you'd use the last common snapshot and most recent snapshot as arguments to 'zfs send -I'.

An example from my own shell history:
zfs send -I jarvis-charlie/backups/failfast.revident.ca@20180325_224731-0400 jarvis-charlie/backups/failfast.revident.ca@20180401_121435-0400 | ssh r...@example.someplace.revident.ca "zfs receive -d jarvis-dr"

Scott Sullivan
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