On Sat, Apr 25, 2020 at 02:02:21PM -0400, Howard Gibson via talk wrote:
>    If my house and all around it is utterly destroyed, I lose all my data.  
> Short of that, I should be okay.  I could stores my backup Blu-Rays in a bank 
> vault.  It is too bad the local bank brances are not open.
>    How about switching between a pair of 4TB USB drives?   They live at the 
> alternate location.  One comes home to do the backup.  The other stays in the 
> outside place.

My experience with rotating 3 disks (one offsite, another being used,
one waiting onsite to be used, so only one is ever in transit and at
least one is on site and one off site) was that hard disks don't like
to be transported much unless they are solid state or laptop drives
(and even they have limits).  3.5" drives rately lasted a year with
being rotated once per week.

Len Sorensen
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