On Fri, 7 Aug 2020 18:49:37 -0400
Aruna Hewapathirane via talk <talk@gtalug.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> I stumbled across this recently:
> https://www.raspberrypi.org/products/raspberry-pi-4-model-b/
> I can use some guidance and advice from folks who have experience
> with Raspberry Pi's. What I read so far looks good but I have questions.
> If 'you' were to use a Raspberry Pi as a desktop replacement which one
> would you recommend?


   What do you want to accomplish?

   I have three computers that I use extensively.  I have a proper desktop with 
a fairly old motherboard which I have just upgraded this week from 8GB RAM to 
24GB.  I have a fairly old Lenovo L440 laptop, which I have just upgraded from 
4GB RAM to 10GB.  I have an Acer Extensa desktop.  The Extensa is a small 
desktop with what I assume is a laptop motherboard, which I have connected to 
my TV.  I use it primarily to watch YouTube, Netflix and CBC Gem.  It has 4GB 
RAM, and it seems to work fine.  My other two machines are running way better 
now with the extra RAM.  I think my laptop was getting into swap space, and it 
has stopped doing this, and I am very, very happy.  I am an abusive user, 
scattering all sorts of applications all over my virtual windows, and opening 
all sorts of interesting tabs in all my browers.  I like to play with Flight 
Gear when I am bored. 

   I believe that Raspbery Pis are used a lot for video streaming on people's 
TVs.  This seems to be a manageable use of fairly low powered computers.  How 
hard are you going to run this thing.  I am not familiar with Raspberry Pis.  
They are on my ToDo list.

Howard Gibson 
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